Musical History-Russia

 Musical History of Russia

    As with any sort of musical history from many different countries of regions, The music can be very diverse. Today we will be focusing on Russian classical music that began to from during the Tsardom of Russia. 

    Russia was relatively slow in the growth of its musical diversity, the church was apposed to any sort of secular music or music for simply entertainment as well as it relatively removed interactions from musically progressive countries. Western composers were brought over to westernize Russia and jump start Russias musical culture. This meant that Russia composers fell by the wayside due to the previous "one trick pony" approach that had been used previously. Thus they attempted to compose in a western style, although this was difficult to achieve since they had little experience with the method. 

Russian Orthodox Church music

    Russian Orthodox music has a heavy emphasis on singing as mentioned prior with a fair amount having a relatively low bpm, around 60 - 70. I think Russian Orthodox music is quite beautiful. It has a way of brining peace to your mind, with a deep calming affect. I can see why throughout history religious music played such an incredibly crucial role in many peoples lives. It brings people together in a way other music can't manage to do. 


“Russian Orthodox: Choral Music.” YouTube, 24 Sept. 2021, 

“Russian Icons.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Oct. 2023, 


  1. Hello! Russian music definitely has a somber tone to a lot of it. A lot of the reason it is this way is because of the oppression of the regular people. Particularly in the last hundred years, but also in the 1800's. While a more peaceful time than the 1900's, the tsars were not particularly fair to those who were not the few elites. The religious music sang of hope and a somber sympathizing with the suffering of Christ. Even Tchaikovsky, who was a skeptic more than he was religious, wrote songs such as Легенда (Legend):
    It is an allegory of how Jesus suffered and died in order that the people (the children of Israel, as the song goes) could live. Russian music is deeply moving because it comes from a posture of hope in deep suffering and helplessness in the face of injustice.


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