Music and the Fictive Dream
Frozen is a movie produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios in 2013. It is based on a story written by Hans Christian Anderson. The general plot of the movie follows Princess Elsa, a girl with the powers to control snow. She accidentally harms her younger sister with her abilities, her parents decide it best to keep her safe from her sister and herself, by closing themselves off from the world until she learns to contain her power, and removing the memories of her sister being hurt.
This work expresses heavily that you should not be ashamed of who you are. It is not good to suppress a major portion of yourself just to "fit in" or please other people around you. The phrase "the cold never bothered me anyway" shows this in a great way, alluding to the fact that not everyone will like you, or think the same way as you, or agree with you, and this shows the acceptance of that. Of course, even the title conveys many meanings, and can mean different things to different people. Everyone has something they are insecure about, or something they wish they could change about themselves.
Social Commentary:
This song I would argue is a household name. I don't think there are many people who havent heard it. The song has garnered 3.3 billion listens on Youtube
This movie and song holds a very special place in my heart. A family member of mine was diagnosed wiht cancer at the age of 4. She absolutely adored Elsa, and that was her Make A Wish request. Her entire room was filled ot the brim with Frozen related items. So just by that alone, I think this song is extremely powerful. As for the songs content. I think it has an amazing messgae for young people, who are learning who they are as a person, and to recognize to not be afraid of who they are.
“Frozen (2013 Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Apr. 2024,
“Frozen: Let It Go Sing-along: Official Disney UK.” YouTube, 30 Jan. 2014,
“Idina Menzel: Let It Go.” IMDb,, 6 Dec. 2013,
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